We inspire and move leaders, teams and organizations to collaborate and lead with natural agility, more productively and resonantly.
Our team has extensive experiences in consulting, facilitation, artistic and creative work, leadership, ”New Work” as well as mindfulness and brings along lots of energy together with a good amount of lightness and humor.

Lutz Hempel
Founder, groove consultant, facilitator, speaker
Studies in product design and international arts management, Executive MBA. Educated in systemic OD and in design thinking. Member of leading global networks in arts & organization research and practice. Lutz is a competent musician and improviser (classical, jazz, cross-over) and lives where Germany, Switzerland and France meet.

Siegmar Brecher
Chief musical inspirator
Multiply awarded musician, improviser, composer, band leader, teacher, group facilitator and festival manager. Internationally touring with audiences from 50 to 5.000 people.
Siegmar’s curiosity, open-mindedness, creativity and humor brought him to Groovin’ Organization. He is a true cosmopolitan, and a cheerful one. An absolutely amazing guy! Siegmar lives in Vienna.

Marion King
Associate, facilitator
Renowned new work expert, HR and change consultant, leadership trainer. Founder of les enfants terribles, highly acclaimed school, initiative and community for good ”New Work”. Former HR manager with leading creative agencies.
Marion has a beautiful ability to touch people, to sense their challenges and to empathetically work out solutions with them. She lives in Berlin.

George Peterburs
Associate, facilitator
Founder of resonance where he is a facilitator, trainer and teacher for well-being, resilience and mindfulness, a certified coach as well as a consultant and speaker for cultural change in organizations. Inventor of the being-doing-balance, an inner compass for the challenges of everyday (work) life.
George is a passionate and empathetical activist for a more resonant and healthy (work) life. He lives in Basel.
Musicians / musician-facilitators
We work with some of the best musicians of the younger generation.
They have a broad musical repertoire (jazz, pop, rock, funk, blues, independent classical…), extensive experience in working with groups, and they are truly cosmopolitan and likeable people.
The colleagues are ”spread” across several metropolitan areas to be closer to customers and their events.